Via San Francesco d'Assisi, 47/T - 20090 Opera (MI) - Italia
+39 02 57605978

Project Information

Q&T participates in the “Educación Media y Formación para el Trabajo para Jóvenes” project.

FinancierEuropean Union
CustomerMinistry of Education of the Argentine Republic
Geographic AreaArgentina 🇦🇷


The program was financed by the European Union on the proposal of the Ministry of Education of the Argentine Republic, to guarantee the right to education to all young people who have not completed their training. The project is an instrument for compliance with the provisions of Article 138 of the National Education Act, in accordance with the Federal Bureau of DEJyA agreements and fueled by INET’s implementation of the Professional Technical Education Act.

The aim, in fact, is to promote the completion of primary, secondary and vocational training for young people aged 18 to 29, who do not study or work, aiming at improving their technical skills to help them access in the world of work.

The program involves 11 provinces (Entre Rios, Corrientes, Misiones, Jujuy, Formosa, Tucumán, La Rioja, Chaco, Catamarca, Mendoza and San Juan) and is developed on the basis of three types of components:

• Institutional reinforcement of compulsory education for young people and adults, through the strengthening of the technical, organizational and institutional skills installed in the ministerial areas responsible for vocational training.
• Expansion of the offer of secondary education for young people and adults, with the implementation of a model of institutional organization that allows to complete the education through the development of a more suitable training offer.
• Improvement of work training for young people and adults: the extension of training offers developed on the basis of professional profiles categorized by the provinces.

Q&T took part in the project providing for the supply and installation of 26 complete professional laboratories (turnkey) spread across the various provinces involved. Specifically, the professional technical addresses concerned astronomy, gastronomy, information technology and technical instrumentation, screen printing, ceramics and glass fusing.

The plan is actively contributing to the improvement of young people’s professional conditions, inspiring society to new activities of common interest. An example is the Inaugural event of the Fair Motivation and Visibility Action for Youth, in Formosa, during which, throughout the day, various stands with products and work processes were presented by the students of the schools participating in the program.

It is estimated that there are about 23,000 young and adults from vulnerable social sectors and 190,000 young and adults who are part of the education system.

It is this type of project, with commitment, constancy, energy, professionalism and inspiration that Q&T works tirelessly to improve life in the world, to create “projects that improve the future of the people who use it“.

Q&T: “We design a better future

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